Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Find out if your smile could benefit from this clear orthodontic treatment.invisalign

While braces seem like a rite of passage for children and teens, it’s less popular once you become an adult. The idea of sporting braces at your next board meeting or social gathering may have you cringing; however, what if our Tallahassee, FL, dentists Dr. James Walton III and Dr. David Cardman told you that there is a way you can fix your misaligned smile without metal braces?

This orthodontic technology makes it possible to straighten your smile with clear, customized aligners rather than metal wires and brackets. These aligners fit over the upper or lower teeth and are specially designed based on which teeth need to be realigned and how far they need to shift. During your consultation, we will map out your treatment plan down to the very specific movements your teeth need to go through in order to achieve the results you want.

Of course, Invisalign isn’t right for everyone in Tallahassee, which is why coming in for an evaluation is truly the only way to find out if Invisalign is the right choice. Here are some factors that will influence your Invisalign candidacy:

Your Age

Invisalign is a great option for older teens and adults who want a more discreet approach to straightening their teeth; however, children and young teens aren’t good candidates for Invisalign. Why? Teeth are still growing in children and early teens, which means that the aligners won’t provide the proper fit that they need to shift teeth around. Fortunately, there are other cosmetic orthodontic options out there for children who want a more subtle approach over metal braces.

Your Misalignment Problems

While a lot of smiles can benefit from Invisalign, not all misalignments can be treated. Invisalign may be right for you if you are dealing with:

  • Minor crookedness
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crowding or overlapping
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites

While Invisalign can tackle a lot of dental problems it won’t be able to handle more complex tooth movements or problems that involve realigning the jaws.

Your Oral Health

During your consultation, we will also perform a physical exam and take X-rays to make sure that there isn’t any gum disease or decay that could be lurking. These are issues that will need to be treated prior to getting Invisalign.

Your Dedication

It’s true that these aligners are removable, which makes it convenient when you want to brush and floss your teeth or before enjoying a meal; however, if you don’t think you’ll be disciplined enough to wear your aligners as often as you should (around 22 hours out of the day) then this may not be the right treatment for you.

If Invisalign sounds like the treatment you’ve been looking for then the next step is to call our Tallahassee dental office to schedule your free consultation. Let us help you achieve that perfect smile!

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