How Important Is Your Regular Check-up Really?

Why your regular check-up is vital to your exam

You haven’t been to your dentist in a long time; you can’t even remember the last time you visited a dental office. Now, you’re wondering why it’s so important, after all, you don’t have any pain, so why should you bother with a check-up? Drs. James Walton and David Cardman in Tallahassee, Florida want you to know why coming in for a regular exam can keep your teeth and your body healthy.

Research by the Mayo Clinic has shown that the health of your mouth has far reaching effects on your body. Drs. Walton and Cardman want you to know that a less-than-healthy mouth can affect your overall health.

For pregnant women, regular dental care is even more important because periodontal disease has been linked to both premature birth and low birth weight.

Dental problems are insidious. You may feel no pain or symptoms at all and still have an escalating dental problem. Decay and periodontal disease can be gradual and you may not even know you have them. Only your dentist can determine the presence of decay or periodontal disease through x-rays and monitoring.

Drs. Walton and Cardman recommend you come in to see them every six months to one year. If you have chronic problems like recurring dental decay or periodontal disease you should visit more often. They can provide you with a custom treatment plan designed specifically to address your dental needs.

If you don’t come in regularly for a check-up, there's a good chance small, simple dental problems can turn into larger, more complex issues, maybe even a dental emergency. Some of the most common bad results you might experience are:

  • Untreated decay turning into a root canal or tooth extraction
  • Gum inflammation turning into soft tissue and bone loss
  • Periodontal disease turning into tooth loss
  • Tooth loss turning into a need for dental appliances like partials or dentures

Your regular dental check-up is really important, not just for your mouth, but for your entire body. Don’t delay, especially when excellent dental care is just a phone call away. So call Drs. James Walton and David Cardman in Tallahassee, Florida and discover what they can do for your smile and your health. Call today!

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