How Invisalign Can Help Straighten Your Teeth

Are you ready to get a straighter smile? Invisalign can help with that.

If you are dealing with a crooked smile you may be wondering what your options are. Our Tallahassee, FL, dentists Dr. James Walton III, and Dr. David Cardman work with many adults and older teens who want to improve their appearance by straightening their teeth but want a more discreet way to do it. This is why so many people turn to Invisalign, a nearly invisible orthodontic solution. Invisalign is customized to you and your needs, so you’ll enjoy an easy orthodontic treatment that fits into your lifestyle.

How does Invisalign work?

It seems hard to believe that a set of clear aligners, which look a lot like whitening trays, can somehow move teeth around without ever needing brackets or wires. Invisalign uses cutting-edge technology along with special software that allows our Tallahassee, FL, family dentists to take digital images of your mouth and then map out every precise tooth movement on the computer. This information is then sent to an Invisalign lab, where they take all of this data to create a series of aligners that fit perfectly over the teeth.

Aligners apply just the right amount of force to certain areas of your smile throughout the course of your treatment to gradually shift teeth either vertically or horizontally. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks. At that time, the patient will replace the old aligners with the next set in their treatment plan. Over time, you will begin to notice subtle changes to the overall shape of your smile as you progress through your treatment.

The average adult will see results in about one year, but results can vary from six months to 18 months. For older teens, the length of treatment is comparable to regular braces (18-24 months).

Why do people choose Invisalign?

The most obvious reason that so many people turn to Invisalign is that they can finally get a straighter smile without having to worry about wearing visible braces. The aligners are custom-fitted, which makes them less visible when you are talking or smiling. You won’t find yourself self-conscious while wearing Invisalign.

Plus, aligners are easily removable, which makes it easy to brush, floss and eat without having to worry about your braces. No special diets to accommodate your braces and no unique or altered oral care routine. Your daily habits can stay the same, just make sure that you are wearing your aligners at least 20-22 hours each day in order to see the results you want.

Are you ready to get a straighter smile this year! If so, call our Tallahassee, FL dental team today at (850) 893-2136 to let us know that you are interested in getting Invisalign.

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