Do You Have Periodontal Disease?

0650434001563894254.jpgAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost half of adults over 30 are affected by periodontal (gum) disease—some of them without even knowing it! Fortunately, your Tallahassee, FL, dentists, Drs. James Walton and David Cardman, both treat periodontal disease and help prevent gum problems by providing regular dental cleanings and checkups. If you have gum disease, you may notice one or more of these signs: 

Bleeding after brushing or flossing

A little bleeding may seem like a minor problem, but it can be a sign of gingivitis, the earliest, mildest form of gum disease. If you have gingivitis, your toothbrush bristles may look pink after brushing, or you may notice a coppery taste in your mouth after you brush or floss. Fortunately, a thorough dental cleaning at your Tallahassee dentist's office can often reverse the issue. However, after your cleaning, you will want to pay more attention to oral hygiene to prevent a recurrence of the condition. 

Bad breath

Bad breath can be an issue at any stage of periodontal disease. The unpleasant odor occurs when bacteria invades your gum tissue. 

Gum changes

Periodontal disease can cause these gum changes:

  • Redness and Pain: If you have periodontal disease, you may notice that your gums are both red and painful to the touch.
  • Swelling: Puffiness often accompanies redness and pain.
  • Recession: Periodontal disease may cause your gums to recede. If you think that your teeth look a little longer than usual, it's probably not just your imagination. 

Pain when eating

When your gums are sore and swollen, pressure from chewing can cause pain. If your receding gums have exposed your tooth roots, you may also notice pain in your teeth when you consume anything that is hot, cold, or sugary. 

Pockets around teeth

As the disease worsens, your gums may pull away from the teeth, thus forming deep pockets. The bacteria in the pockets can then eventually destroy gum tissue, bone, and ligaments if you don't receive treatment for the disease. If this happens, your tooth may become loose and even fall out. 

Concerned? Give us a call

Do you have any gum disease signs or symptoms? If so, call your Tallahassee, FL, dentists, Drs. James Walton and David Cardman, at (850) 893-2136 to schedule an appointment.

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