How Dental Implants Can Replace Missing Teeth

Are you struggling with any missing teeth? If so, you need to learn about dental implants, small titanium posts that are placed into the jawbone to replace both lost teeth and absent tooth roots. Read on to learn how the Tallahassee dental office of Dr. James Walton III uses implants to repair patients' smiles!

What implants can do for you!

Dental implants restore bite, chewing function. and aesthetics. A temporary life-like porcelain crown is placed on top while the titanium post fuses with the rest of the jawbone over a series of months. This process is called osseointegration and strengthens the jawbone.

One of the many advantages of dental implants is that they can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all of your teeth. Another advantage is that they can be used to support other dental appliances, such as removable dentures.

Dental implant surgery isn't painful, for your Tallahassee dentist uses an anesthetic to eliminate any discomfort during the procedure. If you're worried about post-operative pain, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medication, and/or ice.

Yet another benefit is that implants can last a lifetime due to their jawbone placement. Because of this feature, you also don't have to worry about implants slipping out of your mouth while you are speaking or eating.

One final advantage we want to mention is that implants have an incredibly high success rate at 95%! This amazing rate is thanks to the titanium makeup of the implant. The material is biocompatible, and thus able to seamlessly integrate into your jaw!

Interested? Give us a call!

To discover if you are a proper candidate for this procedure, you will first need to undergo a complete oral examination at our Tallahassee office. If you would like to schedule this consultation, give Dr. James Walton III a call at (850) 893-2136, today!

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